Month: July 2023

Peer Review for Pod 6

Learning Pod: # 6

Peers’ Names: Yufei Mai

Interactive Learning Resource Topic: Chat GPT for Research

Identify components of the Interactive Learning Resource that might be missing (e.g., appropriate outcomes, alignment, interactivity, inclusivity, technology use and rationale, presentation, grammar, spelling, citations, etc.).

The size of the video within the web page can be enlarged a bit and it’s easy to touch it by mistake. There are no references throughout, is all the content original?

Provide a summary of The Interactive Learning Resource’s strengths and weaknesses. Draw out specific examples from your peers’ work to justify your feedback.

The group has a clear grading scale that students can follow to check for deficiencies. There is only one final ASSIGNMENT overall that needs to be graded, and students may be able to complete this course with ease.

Provide general, specific, and practical recommendations to your peers on how to improve their Interactive Learning Resource.

I think it would be appropriate to add more tests or creative assignments for students to study. Is it possible to provide a discussion platform for students to help them share their learning experiences with each other? There may be a lack of extracurricular materials for students to refer to, and some references need to be added.

Post 4:Blog Prompt

How to Take Notes | Science-Based Strategies to Earn Perfect Grades by
Med School Insiders

The video is excellent, and as the discussion progresses, I want students to write down what they want to answer in handwritten form on their iPad and add their insights and what they want to respond to. During the discussion, we don’t need to transcribe everything the other person says, which is a completely unthinking act. A highly passive mode of note-taking, which I don’t think is necessary at all. The notes we need are a learning tool that promotes understanding and memory.
So before you start taking notes, the first task is to understand the content. Students need to read the content they want to summarize and then repeat the content in their own words. Provide a summary of what you want to discuss. And place the summary at the top of the notes so that it can be easily viewed again and again. In addition to this, students should include 1-2 abstracts within their notes. The abstracts should be simple and direct, not a direct copy of the other person’s content.

At 6:30 of the video, an indentation is offered that is designed to be a clearer and more concise way of recording what is wanted to be discussed. Beyond that, I expect that the student’s notes will be organized and manageable. For better understanding and viewing, students’ notes should be clear and neat. Some students’ notes will be written very small, which is not correct, and I would like students to write in a larger font on their notes in response to the discussion. This will make it easier for me to check them afterwards.

Students should practice this at the next discussion after watching the video. After watching what your classmates have discussed, choose one of them and comb through the notes. And respond to the content of the classmate through the guide of note-taking. At the end of the discussion, students need to include their notes in pdf format and share them with me.

The workload for me from this activity is mainly on reading notes. The workload for this task, which is incremental depending on the number of students, is probably ideal at 60 students or less. More students may bring more workload, which will cause me to not be able to move forward properly to the grading of the next assignment.

Students will receive my ratings and feedback on bright space within a week of submission. Students can view my evaluations online and email me for a grading sheet if they have comments on the grading.

Overall, this is a very important part of improving students’ discussion skills. Students should focus on the important content summary and note-taking part before the discussion starts.

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